External Opportunities

The Ontario Caregiver Organization is frequently asked to connect researchers and other stakeholder organizations with caregivers. Where appropriate, we will share these invitations and connect interested members with relevant parties.

In the past, we have supported focus groups with the Ontario Ombudsman office, research initiatives with various academic institutions and research to practice initiatives with various health care providers. We will continue to share these opportunities and thank caregivers who have engaged and contributed in this way.

There are external opportunity for caregivers in French only. For these opportunities, please visit Perspectives Aidance Naturelle in French: https://www.perspectivesaidancenaturelle.ca/occasions-externes

The Ontario Caregiver Organization is frequently asked to connect researchers and other stakeholder organizations with caregivers. Where appropriate, we will share these invitations and connect interested members with relevant parties.

In the past, we have supported focus groups with the Ontario Ombudsman office, research initiatives with various academic institutions and research to practice initiatives with various health care providers. We will continue to share these opportunities and thank caregivers who have engaged and contributed in this way.

There are external opportunity for caregivers in French only. For these opportunities, please visit Perspectives Aidance Naturelle in French: https://www.perspectivesaidancenaturelle.ca/occasions-externes

  • Living with a Life-limiting Illness: Access to Care and Related Experiences (LLLI-ACRE)

    Living with a Life-limiting Illness: Access to Care and Related Experiences (LLLI-ACRE) is a new national study that aims to better understand the experiences with care for individuals with life-limiting illnesses and their unpaid caregivers, as well as access to care and support services.

    The study will provide information on:

    • experiences and satisfaction with the care received to meet their physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs;
    • gaps and barriers in care.

    The results will help health care organizations and providers improve the development, planning and delivery of high-quality care for those living with a life-limiting illness and their caregivers in Canada.


  • Development of a Medication Management Toolkit for Care Partners of Older Adults

  • Volunteers Needed

  • Are you interested in participating in a research study related to advocating for change in the mental healthcare system?

    The purpose of this research, Exploring the Experiences of Mental Health Service Users Advocating for Changes in Mental Healthcare and Policy in Ontario is to:

    • Understand the experiences of mental health service users who have advocated for improvements to mental healthcare and policy in Ontario
    • Highlight the challenges associated with doing advocacy work
    • Understand the impact advocacy work has made on mental healthcare and policy
    • Explore promising approaches for improving mental healthcare and policy

    You are eligible to participate in this study if you have used mental health services in Ontario and are currently engaging in advocacy work to improve mental healthcare and policy in Ontario. Advocacy work can include mental health peer support work, education, research, publications, committee work, projects, initiatives, programs, practice, policies, etc. You must be 18 years of age or older. You must be able to speak and understand English.

    If you agree to volunteer, you will be asked to complete an online demographic survey through Qualtrics that will take less than five minutes to complete and participate in a Zoom interview that will take approximately one hour.

    Your participation in the study is completely voluntary and you may choose to stop participating at any time. Your decision not to volunteer, to stop participating, or to refuse to answer particular questions will not influence the nature of the ongoing relationship you may have with the researchers or study staff and the nature of your relationship with York University either now, or in the future.

    If you are interested in more information about the study, would like to volunteer, or know anyone who would like to volunteer, please email me at ayeshabh@yorku.ca. Feel free to forward this email to anyone you think would be interested in volunteering. This study has been approved by York University’s Research Ethics Board.

  • Caregiver Advisors for the CIHR CCNA Team Grant

    We are a team of researchers (led by Dr. Doug Manuel) at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute applying to the CIHR CCNA Team Grant - Health Equity in Caregiving priority pool. Our proposal aims to develop tools for individuals and policy makers to enable equitable and sustainable caregiving for people with dementia/cognitive decline, with goals of preventing dementia and improving quality of life.

    We are inviting caregivers and individual living with dementia/cognitive decline to join our team as caregiver/patient advisors. If the grant is funded (4 years), you’ll be invited to join our quarterly/annual meetings to help refine research questions, contextualize interpretations of findings, highlight factors or considerations we may have missed, and advise us on knowledge dissemination plans. The extent of your involvement can be flexible, and we will provide financial compensation for your time. For the grant application, you will be named as a caregiver/patient partner and collaborator.

    We thank you for your consideration. Please feel free to email Dr. Wenshan Li (wensli@ohri.ca) or Dr. Stacey Fisher (stafisher@ohri.ca) if you have any questions or are interested.

  • Caregiver Research: Rare Disease Management

  • Interested in Sharing Your Experience with Schizophrenia?


  • Improving Care for Adults with Heart Failure and their Mental Well-Being

  • PARTICIPANTS NEEDED for a study about diagnosing dementia in northwestern Ontario

  • Advocating for Caregiver Wellness